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  • 2018-07-27
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关键词 城市排水管网;城市污水处理厂;A2/O沉淀池;污泥处理


Environmental pollution is one of the biggest social problems in the world, especially the over-exploitation and irrational use of water resources. The water resource of rational utilization is the key to solving these problems. So the development of water treatment plays a decisive role to realize our country the sustainable strategic objective.

This design is the drainage project of A city in northeast China. It consists of two parts, namely, the design of urban drainage pipe network system and the design of urban sewage treatment plant.

The drainage pipe network system is designed A and B two sets of schemes, through the technical and economic comparison, choose A scheme.

According to the geographical location of the city and the scale of the sewage plant, and considering the requirements of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, A2/O process is adopted in the design of the urban sewage treatment plant. The sewage treatment flow of the process is: coarse grid → pump room → fine grid → sand settling tank → primary settling tank → anaerobic tank → anoxic tank → aerobic tank → secondary settling tank → disinfection tank → electromagnetic flow metering → effluent discharge. The sludge treatment process is: sludge → sludge lifting pump room → sludge thickening tank → sludge storage tank → sludge digestion tank → sludge dewatering room → mud cake transport. Through the treatment of this process, the effluent quality will meet the "Urban sewage Treatment plant Pollutant Discharge Standard" (GB18918-2002) Class B standard.

Key words urban drainage network; Urban sewage treatment plant; A2/O; Sedimentation tank; Sludge treatment

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest social problems in the world, especially the over-exploitation and irrational use of water resources. The water resource of rational utilization is the key to solving these problems. So the development of water treatment plays a decisive role to realize our country the sustainable strategic objective.

This design is the drainage project of A city in northeast China. It consists of two parts, namely, the design of urban drainage pipe network system and the design of urban sewage treatment plant.

The drainage pipe network system is designed A and B two sets of schemes, through the technical and economic comparison, choose A scheme.

According to the geographical location of the city and the scale of the sewage plant, and considering the requirements of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, A2/O process is adopted in the design of the urban sewage treatment plant. The sewage treatment flow of the process is: coarse grid → pump room → fine grid → sand settling tank → primary settling tank → anaerobic tank → anoxic tank → aerobic tank → secondary settling tank → disinfection tank → electromagnetic flow metering → effluent discharge. The sludge treatment process is: sludge → sludge lifting pump room → sludge thickening tank → sludge storage tank → sludge digestion tank → sludge dewatering room → mud cake transport. Through the treatment of this process, the effluent quality will meet the "Urban sewage Treatment plant Pollutant Discharge Standard" (GB18918-2002) Class B standard.


Key words urban drainage network; Urban sewage treatment plant; A2/O; Sedimentation tank; Sludge treatment不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印





1章 绪论

1.1 概述

1.1.1 城市概况

1.1.2 目的和意义

1.1.3 设计内容

1.2 设计原始资料

1.2.1 地形与城市规划资料

1.2.2 气象资料

1.2.3 地质资料

1.2.4 受纳水体水文与水质资料

2章 城市排水管网设计与计算

2.1 城市排水管网设计原则

2.1.1 排水系统的规划设计原则

2.1.2 排水管网定线原则

2.2 设计依据及排水体制的选择

2.2.1 设计依据

2.2.2 排水系统体制的选择

2.3 城市污水管网计算

2.3.1 城市污水管网设计方案的确定

2.3.2 城市污水管网A方案水力计算

2.3.3 城市污水管网B方案水力计算

2.3.4 城市污水管网结果分析

2.4 城市雨水管道水力计算

2.4.1 雨水管道定线

2.4.2 主要设计参数的确定

2.4.3 汇水面积计算

2.4.3 雨水管道水力计算

3章 城市污水处理厂设计计算

3.1 城市污水水量水质计算

3.1.1 污水水量水质计算

3.1.2 污水中污染物的处理程度确定

3.2 城市污水处理工艺流程的确定

3.2.1 国内城市污水处理工艺的比较和选用

3.2.2 本设计处理工艺的确定

3.3 污水处理构筑物的设计与计算

3.3.1 总泵站

3.3.2 细格栅

3.3.3 沉砂池

3.3.4 初沉池配水井

3.3.5 初次沉淀池

3.3.6 A2/O生物反应池

3.3.7 二次沉淀池

3.3.8 二沉池集配水井

3.3.9 消毒接触池

3.3.9 计量设备

3.4 污泥处理构筑物的设计与计算

3.4.1 污泥浓缩

3.4.2 贮泥池

3.4.3 污泥消化池

3.4.4 污泥脱水

4章 城市污水处理厂的布置

4.1 污水厂的平面布置

4.1.1 各处理单元构筑物的平面布置

4.1.2 管道及渠道的平面布置

4.1.3 附属建筑物

4.2 污水厂的高程布置

4.2.1 污水的高程布置

4.2.1 污泥的高程布置

4.3 土建与公共工程

4.3.1 土建工程

4.3.2 公共工程

5章 污水处理厂投资估算与技术经济评价

5.1 投资估算

5.1.1 估算范围

5.1.2 编制依据

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